

From a working Windows System:
1) Download a small utility called MbrFix.exe here, http://www.sysint.no/en/Download.aspx

Read all about MbrFix.exe here, http://www.sysint.no/nedlasting/mbrfix.htm

2) Paste the file to the root of drive C:
If you don't know what I mean by 'the root of drive C, just open in 'My Computer, Click on Local Disk (C:), open it, and paste MbrFix.exe.there.

3) Click 'Start'->'Run', type CMD (for a Command Prompt).
The command prompt will at first be something like,
C:\ Documents and Settings \ Herman >_
(Where 'Herman' is my username for Windows, yours will probably be something different).

Change it to just a C: prompt by typing: cd \ , then press 'Enter'.
After that you should just have a plain C:\>_ prompt.

Type this command after the C:\> prompt: MbrFix /drive 0 fixmbr /yes
for example,
C:\> MbrFix /drive 0 fixmbr /yes

Nothing much will appear to happen, your monitor may blink slightly, that's all. You will see the plain C:\>_ prompt again. Type 'exit'.

4) That's it! Reboot to see if it worked.
